The Trade Group

Curating the most exclusive trade programs on the market

Private Placement Programs Web Quotes

Tried & Trusted Program

As an experienced Trade Group with access to many Traders and over 20 Platforms, we are able to offer you a range of programs which have been TRIED & TRUSTED.

Your guide to Private Placement Programs

If you are new to Private Placement Programs and invitation-only Trade Programs or whether you just want to refresh your knowledge, read our E-book: “Navigating the World of PPP’s”

Private Placement Programs

Blocked Accounts

All of our products benefit from a line of credit into an arbitrage trade, established to purchase financial instruments at a predetermined price and to sell to predetermined "exit" buyer, maximising returns. These offer exceptional returns. Funds are held in blocked accounts and investor funds are not at risk.

Private Placement Programs

Top 100 banks

Most of our trade programs require client funds to be unencumbered and in a top 100 bank. We do also have specific schemes where client funds remain in their control using IOLTA/Custodian Accounts and can provide assistance to clients in moving their banking facilities.

Accounts can be opened with various Top Tier Banks in a variety of jurisdictions.

Private Placement Programs

Potential Returns

Depending on the bank where funds are on deposit, the trade platforms we are working endeavour to get clients into trade where returns can be substantial.

Private Placement Programs

Preliminary Enquiries

We are constantly refining our product range and as we add new Trade Program opportunities, and others close, we offer a Preliminary Enquiry Service to our brokers. After submission the Intake Officer will call the client & offer a number of solutions & deal directly with the client. It is their job to find a solution. The aim is to get the client into trade with a long term agreement that benefits everyone.

  • “Curated trade program opportunities.”

    – Each program we feature is handpicked and undergoes thorough due diligence.

  • “End to end process.”

    – Our guides, E-Books, processes and admin team will help you along the way